Project “Civic Startups and Innovative Organizations – Ci.Sta.I.”
Regional Operational Program ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2014-2020 of the Umbria Region
The company TEAMDEV S.r.l. has received a contribution from the funds POR-FESR 2014-2020 – Axis I – Action 1.4.1 – “Living Lab” in the provincial capitals of Perugia and Terni – “Support for the identification of innovative solutions to specific problems of social relevance through the use of open innovation environments LivingLAB” for the project “Civic Startups and Innovative Organizations – Ci.Sta.I.” in collaboration with s.r.l. and the University of the Studies of Perugia department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Human and of the Formation
The project Civic Startups and Innovative Organizations aims at spreading civil economy practices in local companies and facilitating technological innovation that places the human being and his ecosystem at the center of the digital transformation process. To achieve this goal, the project aims to create a virtual space of exchange and collaboration between companies, startups, universities and associations with a software that allows to aggregate different actors around common innovation goals. In parallel, the project foresees the creation of offline services for training and consulting in the field of civil economy, startup incubation (in collaboration with existing coworking spaces) and advanced programs for managers and professionals.
Project website (Italian):

Project “WiseTown Ecosystem”
Regional Operational Program ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2014-2020 of the Umbria Region
The company TEAMDEV S.r.l. received a contribution from the funds “POR-FESR 2014-2020 – Axis I – Action 1.3.1 – NOTICE TO SUPPORT NEW INNOVATIVE SMEs – 2019” for the realization of the project WISETOWN ECOSYSTEM in collaboration with University of Perugia – Department of Political Science
WiseTown Ecosystem has as main objective the development of an advanced data analysis engine able to represent and interpret the behavior of a system of complex relationships between all the Smart dimensions of the city (mobility, environment, security, people and governance), defined by Agid Triennial Plan as Smart Landscape. WiseTown Ecosystem is a technological platform hinged on three essential actions: introduction of new technologies enabling the enhancement of knowledge of domain scenarios; design of new processes dedicated to the interpretation of multi-domain and multi-level contexts; development of new services to support the activities of integrated analysis and planning carried out by decision makers. The project can be divided into 3 main interventions, each of which contributes to the creation of a self-consistent ecosystem: Data Integration, Data Analysis&Design Thinking, and Data Visualization&Correlation.
Project website: