TeamDev receives the prestigious recognition of the status of ArcGIS Online Specialty Partner by ESRI. Our company is the first and only reality recognized as ArcGIS Online Specialty Partner in the Italian national panorama.
The Value of ArcGIS Online Specialty Recognition
The award is assigned by ESRI to the partners who over time have developed high-profile skills and experience relevant to the enhancement and optimization of ArcGIS Online services. TeamDev has been operating for years in Italy and Europe offering solutions to the needs of companies, professionals and public administration, and the world of international cooperation. It offers high quality tools in the field of innovation – based on ESRI and Microsoft technology – thanks to which it is possible to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional activities.
New Esri Tools to Improve Services
Becoming part of the ArcGIS Online Specialty network means not only being able to enhance our skills, but also having access to new ESRI tools that can improve the service that TeamDev offers its customers. New development opportunities to support process innovation, collaboration and data-driven decision making. For the first time, in Italy, there is an ArcGIS Online Specialty Partner company, and it is TeamDev!
TeamDev – Silver Partner Esri Community
GisAction together with the main actors of Sustainable Development
GisAction is a TeamDev division dedicated to the development of Geographic Information Systems for the benefit of the actors of Sustainable Development. For years, through the ArcGIS Online platform, it has been providing customized and scalable services and solutions for data collection in the field, analysis and geographic visualization in dynamic and interactive web maps, up to the creation of communication tools, advocacy and citizen science campaigns for public involvement.
More about ESRI
ESRI is the leading international provider of geospatial solutions, geolocation and Geographic Information Systems. It provides to its partners the innovative platform ArcGIS Online.
What is ArcGIS
ArcGIS is the most well-known and important software for developing interactive maps that connect people, places and data. It is used worldwide by corporations, industry groups, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and public administrations. TeamDev uses the platform to offer customized services and solutions for field data collection, analysis and geographic visualization in web maps, and more.